Dead Beat Film Society

123 - The Sixth Sense (1999)



The Hollwood version of a Goosebumps book! Join the Dead Beat Film Society as we discuss the rewatchability of movies with twist endings, rate the quality of M. Night Shyamalan films, Bruce Willis with hair, Haley Joel Osment's excellent acting, the $3 million script, kids with old souls, the poster design and spoilers back in 1999, Donnie Wahlberg actually doing good acting in tighty-whiteys, Toni Collette thinking she's in a different movie, our need for fun Hollywood movies nowadays, the symbolism of the color red, turning a 12 year old into a ghostbuster, and accepting our love of cringe movies with an in depth The Sixth Sense film analysis! (Special Guest: Emalie Soderback) Click here to watch Viva Physical Media!