Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

5 Ways to Handle Tough Discussions



No matter if the conversation is about the pandemic, equality in the workplace, politics, religion, these days tough discussions are happening every day. How do you handle them? Listen in to hear my 5 ways to handle tough discussions and create an open and inviting space for conversation.  First things first, check your ego at the door. Don’t enter conversations showcasing your personal opinions. If you walk into a conversation already convinced that you’re right, you won’t be inviting conversation.  Next you want to observe how others are sharing information. Read their verbal and non-verbal cues and alter your body language and tone to help them feel more willing to share. Then validate what they’re saying.  Let them know you hear what they’re saying and that you understand where they are coming from. They don’t need to hear your opinions, they just need to know that they’re heard.  Last, just keep listening. Keep your ears open and create a safe space for others to share. How are you handling these discuss