Lit Literature

[EP.73] The Blood Mirror by Brent Weeks Part 2 (Lightbringer Series #4)



This episode we finish our discussion on the Blood Mirror, book 4 of the Lightbringer Series by Brent Weeks and prep for our next read of the Burning White. We discuss Kip's progress as a full spectrum polychrome, and if the cards he has absorbed have influenced his ability to lead. We talk about Liv's choices since her father Corvan Danavis helped free her from the Color Prince's influence. We wonder how white luxin works, and how rare black luxin is. We ponder many of the mysteries Brent Weeks is laying out and make some major guesses to the outcome of the next book. We cannot wait to finish up the Burning White next! Fantasy and sci-fi literature book club discussion podcast often reading Brandon Sanderson and the Cosmere, Brent Weeks, Stephen King, Robert Jordan, and many more. Please enjoy, or at least laugh! Literature discussion done right! We, the Shoutouts, from Lyket Entertainment, have a book club discussion on our favorite fantasy and sci-fi literature with our choice wine, beer, ale, and rum.  Fi