Provoking Your Greatness - Misti Burmeister

7 Simple Ways To Say “Thank You” To Your Team



The following are 7 simple ways to say Thank You to your team this year, and all throughout 2016:   Pause, and write your list of the specific qualities you’re authentically grateful for in each team member. Are they excellent with excel, public speaking, or maybe negotiating? Rather than simply say, “I appreciate you, or Thank you,” get specific. Gift cards are made even more special when the card you give has meaning. One of my teammates loves the outdoors, talks about shopping at REI, and so a gift card was the perfect for her. What about your team? Don’t know? If you don’t, no worries, just ask. Listening to their interests is generous, and will leave them appreciating your gift even more. Hand written notes are rare, and therefore even more valuable. If you have hundreds of employees, colleagues, or team members, perhaps handwriting all your cards isn’t practical. But, you can personalize (put a favorite quote, poem, or story) one card, and write a brief message for the most important people inside each