Provoking Your Greatness - Misti Burmeister

How to Make Sure You Keep Advancing—Your Products, Your People, Your Career



Advancing, or getting different results than you’re currently getting, requires doing something different, which isn’t always comfortable.   How many people do you know who keep doing the same things and hoping for different results? We’ve all done it. Why?   Because it’s easier, and more comfortable, to do what you know. But we learn—and grow more effective—during periods of discomfort, which is exactly why we need to train in discomfort.   Here’s how I unintentionally trained in discomfort recently.     A good friend of mine told me about a spa that I had to experience. She went into elaborate detail about the healing nature of the various saunas, hot tubs, and treatments.   “It’s a full day experience,” Christina said, “and it’s thirty bucks.”   My partner, Yvette, had also heard great things about the spa from her aesthetician, who said we had to get the body scrub.   A full day of hot tubs, saunas, and body treatments? Sign me up!   We picked our date, and headed over to Security Mall, near Baltimore, Ma