Provoking Your Greatness - Misti Burmeister

Why Procrastination Is Not Your Problem



Do you remember when you were a kid and really wanted a bowl of delicious ice cream for desert? Yes, a bowl. Several scoops, with gobs of toppings. And, you wanted it as your main course, not just desert.   But, you knew your parents wouldn’t go for that, so you pushed your carrots around, ate your potatoes, and had a few bites of protein before you proclaimed yourself as ready for that mint chocolate chip yummy goodness.   “You need to eat a few more bites of your carrots and chicken, and then we can talk desert,” your parents would say. (For the record, my parents never had to use this technique on any of us… we ate everything, and always had extra room for desert, so you have to forgive me if I don’t get this game exactly right.)   Cutting your chicken into the tiniest pieces, you took a few extra bites, showed your progress, as you prepared your pallet for that vanilla bean delicious goodness.   “You can eat a few more of those carrots,” your dad would say, “And then you can have your cookies n’ cream wit