Provoking Your Greatness - Misti Burmeister




“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” ― Jim Rohn While I have never been a fan of the idea that we are the sum total of our five closest friends, I do appreciate the awareness that such a statement creates. The idea begs a couple of important questions— 1—What am I learning from the actions (or inactions) of those around me? 2—How are my actions (or inactions) instructing others? Often, without our even realizing it, those around us are taking cues from us about how to behave, what to say, and even whether or not to believe in themselves. If you’re in a leadership role, the chances of others imitating you are 10x’s stronger—no pressure! It’s a ridiculous amount of responsibility, yet the potential for inspiration and personal growth are insanely powerful when we accept it. The truth inherent in this reality hit me between the eyes when my friend Aisha shared a bit about her experience of being stationed in Kentucky after growing up in Queens, New York. In Queens, she told her