Provoking Your Greatness - Misti Burmeister

3 Critical Steps Leaders Need To Achieve More with Less Staff



Struggling with a small staff? Need to find a way to get the ones you have fully engaged? Here are three key steps to take:   Clarify Outcomes   Beyond shareholder value, bonuses and becoming “the best,” consider gaining clarity and communicating consistently these three elements:   How does your product/service contribute to your customers’ needs? And, how does your company/team deliver the product/service that adds great value to your customers’ lives? Why do you personally care about the outcomes of your work? Why does your team care about the outcomes of their work? What are they striving to achieve in their career?   Employees who are passionate, driven and highly engaged seek leaders (often subconsciously) with such clarity.   Vulnerability   People in positions of authority often think they’re supposed to be the ones with all the answers. So, they bark orders under the guise of, “I pay you to do a job,” without realizing their team will most strongly support the ideas they help to create.   Consider