Provoking Your Greatness - Misti Burmeister

Intendaware: How to Systematically Increase Your Self-Confidence



Confidence comes from the Latin word confide, which means to entrust. Self-confidence, then, is about learning to trust yourself with yourself. Just as it takes experiences over time to trust others, trusting in your own experience of life requires that same kind of intention and attention.   Remember the first time you sat behind the steering wheel of a car to drive? With your heart pumping, you tried to remember all the critical elements of driving, like gas! Too focused on adjusting the mirrors, getting your seat just right and thinking through all the rules of the road, you completely forgot to look at the gas gauge.   Caught up in the busyness of traffic five minutes into your lesson, your instructor asks, “Without looking at the gauge, how much gas do we have?”   Clueless, you add check gas gauge to your mental checklist for your next excursion. After several months, you start getting the hang of this driving thing, pass your test and venture out on the road alone for the first time, loving the freedom.