Provoking Your Greatness - Misti Burmeister

10 Daily Steps to Increasing Self-Confidence at Work



Confidence in nearly every endeavor comes with a sense of knowing or familiarity. In sports, strengthening the fundamentals is key to making critical decisions in a split second.   The same thing is true when it comes to gaining confidence in yourself.    Confidence in yourself increases in direct portion to self-awareness. The more experience you have with self-talk, the more confidence you’ll have. Self-awareness leads to self-confidence. By becoming aware of the results you’re creating every day, you have the power to change them.   Here are 10 daily habits to strengthening your self-confidence:   Review. At the end of every day, carve out 10-20 minutes to review the day. Write about what worked well and what didn’t work so well. At the end of the month, review what you wrote and watch as patterns begin emerging.         Challenge. Set a specific, tangible, measurable and meaningful goal. The more challenging it is, the greater the wisdom you gain. The lessons learned in pursuit of any goal effects our con