Simmons Here And Now

Tell The Damn Story 175: "The Creative Hill We Climb." Poetry, Wanda Vision, and Multi-Billion Dollar Movies



This episode we learn how Amanda Gorman made Chris cry and blubber and gosh with pride and praise and so much hope that Alex has it take control of the show for a while. After the river of tears ends we move on to discuss our new national poet laureate's impact on the inauguration, on our hearts, on our hopes, and in the textbooks of our children's future.  Then Chris gushed again, this time about WandaVision episode 3 "now in color."  He and Alex discuss how it deepens the plot and rewards patience, and really shows how Marvel is playing with house money and fan loyalty.  We go over how they weave a story that fits in the Marvel canon that they could never have done early on.  And one more topic is covered when we talk about about creating before the money is there, and after.   Speaking of money Alex and Chris, after having fun with it themselves, pose interesting question about the recent billion dollar lotto prize.  And they challenge you to answer it as well.   What que