Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

91 The Next Chapter Model of Change - Angela Raspass



I’m finally back Podcasting after a long break! I know that for me time and space for creativity, consideration and relaxation is essential so that I can contribute at the highest level, and I have so much to share with you in 2019. In this episode, I am introducing you to The Next Chapter Model of Change. I realised that within all of the interviews I have staged and in the mentoring sessions, masterminds and retreats I have facilitated there was a model of change I was seeing as women began or realigned their businesses. And so I’m outlining the model for you so you anticipate what’s coming up or understand why and what you are feeling… The model is also at the core of my book I’m in the midst of writing – perhaps you can be one of my accountability buddies for this major project!?