Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

101 Be yourself everyone else is taken with Angela Raspass



This week’s episode was inspired by a conversation I had where a client and I discovered the impact of what I call the Chameleon Effect. This is a phenomena that occurs when, for a variety of reasons, we have lost our own value anchors and find ourselves twisting and turning ourselves into a shape that reflects what we think the audience wants of us, whether that be in a job interview or a conversation with a potential new client.  It’s what happens when we fall into wanting to be seen and picked rather than recognised and selected and that’s not a great option for either party.  Show Notes Brene Brown shares that the desire to belong is a deeply held value of all people, so much so that we’ll settle for fitting in, Clarity on your personal brand and message – what you stand for, believe n and wants for your clients is a cornerstone of being able to be “recognised” Congruence across all platform sand touch points is important- will I equally recognise you on a Facebook post, an Instagram story, in a video, o