Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

104 The power of a positivity practice with Diane Lang



Post-Traumatic Stress is unfortunately, a term that many of us have heard about, but have you heard of it’s cousin, Post Traumatic Growth?  In this episode, Diane Lang observes how most of us have a story that has led us to the field of helping, just as I believe that next Chapters are often built on skinned knees. Diane has first-hand experience of overcoming emotionally challenging circumstances and thriving as a result and bringing her lessons into her work in the field of positive psychology. She has dedicated her career to helping people turn their lives around and is on a mission to help us develop a sustainable positive attitude that will have sweeping benefits to both your business and your life. Show Notes You can positively change from a traumatic event in your life – the growth comes after the healing You may experience circumstances out of your control, but you can also become a role model for others Our business and life experiences deliver so many ups and downs – and that’s how you develop empa