Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

105 Business Planning for 2020 with Angela Raspass



Each year I host “Review and Renew”, an online event all about looking back at the year that was, evaluating your tangible and emotional achievements and then getting clear and planning for the year. It’s a fabulous experience that provides you with confidence and clarity no matter what stage of business you are at.  It’s coming up again next week and I’d want to make sure you have your invitation to join us! You can register at to join me for the live training and discussion calls, the thought-provoking workbooks and the Q&A’s and prompts in the Next Chapter Facebook Community. Show Notes I'm a big believer in double planning - I really recommend that you take some time this side of Christmas to have a look back through your year and evaluate your results and then put some thought into what you want to create. Then put that aside, give yourself some breathing space and then come back for a review in early to mid-January. You’ll likely be surprised by the changes you then