Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

108 How to turn challenges into an inspiring new vision - Jodie Preiss



Jodie Preiss is also a woman of resilience, compassion and vision and she has a great, big heart. I say that Next Chapters are often built on skinned knees, and Jodie is a definite example of this truth because those challenges she’s navigated, they’re actually more akin to lacerated knees. But, yes, she has come through to the other side, and as you no doubt know when we have space between the then and the now, there are valuable lessons to process and share, new insights and perspectives gained that can often form the foundations of a new vision. That’s exactly what has happened with Jodie, and her new business, Collective Ripples, is set to become a movement we can all be a part of. Some of the key ideas we discuss include Don’t compare your challenges with anyone else’s. We all have our own journey. The desire to create legacy can often grow after significant, life-changing experiences and the examples left by people we love and admire. Be a great custodian of your energy – go gently, gently and