Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

109 Transforming goals into results with 4 insights |Angela Raspass



We’re in the first months of a whole new decade, not just a new year, and you may have created some big goals that you want to achieve in business and life in this new chapter. When reflecting on where I’m at, I realised that the end of this decade I'll actually be in my 60s, and so I decided that now is the time to become the best version of me. That means in a business sense, I have some very clear plans for how I want to create more impact and be more supportive of my audience and my clients, and that’s going to demand sustained energy. And so this means ensuring I have the fitness and flexibility to do the things that I want to do. I was away with my family in the second week of January on holiday, and this is where I really started to recognise that changes needed to be made. I set some clear goals and then reflected on what I’d need to set myself up to achieve them and that’s what this episode is about - the core steps I believe we need to take to give any strong intention a greater chance of coming to