Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

111 Why you need a Fabulous File in Business



Why you need a Fabulous File Understanding and taking control of your internal dialogue is one of the most powerful skills you can develop as a business owner. Your thinking creates your feelings and your feelings create your actions or inactions, which then lead to your results. But sometimes simply grabbing hold of your thoughts is just not enough to turn them around. I believe we often need something more tangible when self-doubt comes to visit. You need a Fabulous File. I believe this is essential for every single woman who wants to create an impact, who wants to make a difference, who has a contribution inside of her that's being channeled through the lens of business.  In this episode, I'm going to explain what a Fabulous file is, why it's so important, and how you can actually get started on creating one today.  How do you get started? Set aside some time – I guarantee you will find yourself disappearing down a rabbit hole of memory gazing... in a good way. Purchase a box that delights you – even co