Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

117 When you’re standing at the crossroads A Conversation about the Coronation



All great change begins when you’re thinking is challenged – COVID 19 is a great unknown, it’s provided a non-optional pause for great slices of the world and for many of us this space has allowed contemplation – what might change as we move forward again? My own musing was significantly expanded when I was introduced to an essay by Charles Eisenstein, a graduate of Yale University with degrees in economics and philosophy (a most unusual combination, so it’s perhaps not surprising that his writing is both ground-breaking and thought-provoking in many ways). You can read The Coronation Essay here ( . Charles is also a social philosopher focusing on themes of human cultural evolution, economics and consciousness, and the author of many books including Climate a new story and Sacred Economics, The More Beautiful world our hearts know is possible. My good friend, author and Purpose Proponent, Carolyn Tate, was also an enthusiast reader and when we were compar