

Samantha has been a performer her whole life – “I sang for 50 cents at weddings and a dollar at funerals from when I was a little girl. I sang backup for MC Hammer and with Joan Sutherland at the Australia Opera. I’ve led shows and developed my own. I’ve always been happiest on a stage but I’ve also been stuck in “people pleaser and approval” mode and that’s taken its toll. It even lead me to dropping the dream of being a performer for the “sensible” career option of accounting on the behest of my family. Over the years Sam invested so much time and energy checking, testing, showing different pieces of herself to different groups to fit in and be seen in the way she felt she needed to be. It was exhausting. And when this is your focus, you begin to lose track of who you really are. But Sam has now interrupted this cycle. She chose to shift her gaze, to weave all the pieces of her into a whole. She began to approve of herself and appreciating where she’d come from, so she would never need to fit in anywhere ag