Let's Fix Construction

Episode #010: A Finish Tradesman’s August



  Co-founder of Let's Fix Construction, Eric D. Lussier returns to the mic to host episode 10. As a subcontractor that handles floor finishes, Eric commiserates about the month of August, which tends to be absolute hell for installers. Project schedules are being impacted on the front end more commonly due to weather delays, yet the completion timeframe of the buildings aren't being compensated for on the back end. Jobsites aren't ready. They aren't weathertight. Other trades work isn't complete. The HVAC is not on. Eric talks through multiple jobsites that have had water infiltration issues, even though the buildings were supposedly weather tight and ready for flooring. He also talks about the real issues that he is confronted with on almost every job - high concrete moisture rates and concrete planarity and levelness. An 1/8" in 10' radius is the standard in the industry, yet it is getting increasingly more difficult to achieve that. What is the key of a successful flooring project? Be aware of the moisture