Jolsid Podcast: Neuroscience, Psychology And Nootropics For Creative Entrepreneurs, Professionals And Athletes

JS005 How to Increase Emotional Intelligence (Social Skills, Motivation, Self- Awareness)


Synopsis - Emotional Intelligence is something we all hear about but most of us either don’t have a clear understanding of it or have understood EI to be some overly exaggerated trait. Here is the history of Emotional Intelligence. The term emotional intelligence was first used as a reference in a paper written by Michael Beldoch in 1964. The first use of the term was in Wayne Payne’s doctoral thesis in 1985, A Study of Emotion: Developing Emotional Intelligence. It wasn’t until 1995 that the term became widely known. The best-selling book written by Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence - Why it can matter more than IQ lead to the popularity of EI. In simple terms “Emotional intelligence can be defined as the ability to monitor one's own and other people's emotions, to discriminate between different emotions and label them appropriately and to use emotional information to guide thinking and behaviors”. Currently there are 3 main models of EI. Ability Model Mixed Model Trait Model Today we will be discus