Out Of The Box With Christine

How To Re-Purpose Your Content Into a Bestselling Book | Holly Worton



Would you like to learn how to take existing content you have already created and turn it into a bestselling book? Then this episode of OUT OF THE BOX WITH CHRISTINE is for you my friend! My guest is HOLLY WORTON, a multi book published author, podcaster and speaker who has a knack for re-purposing content into popular books on Amazon. And today she shares some great tips on how you can too. For more info on Holly visit http://www.HollyWorton.com For more info on this podcast visit http://www.OutoftheBoxWithChristine.com For more info on Christine visit http://www.ChristineBlosdale.com Like what you are hearing? Tell a friend! Share the love. #amazon #bestseller #author #book #bestsellingbook #podcast