Mostly Rational

Mostly Rational - Episode 22 - Jedi Knighteenth



Ah, yes, our ever-timely, annual Star Wars episode, just in time for that most hallowed of Star Wars days, Jedi Knighteenth, which is definitely a real Star Wars holiday and not just something I made up because I'm uploading the episode 2-and-a-half months late. *Jedi hand wave*   In this episode, we discuss which Star Wars planet makes for the best vacation spot, which of us shall win the hand of the Galaxy's Most Eligible Bachelor, actual questions about Star Wars lore (snooze), and a few non-Star Wars questions, such as: "Who would win? Like a gazillion lions, or all the pokemon?" and "When will Asia return Tani's bears?" (spoiler: never), and "What would have happened if Hank Green bought Yahoo Answers?"   As always, support us on Patreon at, and send your questions to    Jedi Knighteenth be with you.