Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Navigating perimenopause: Dyna Vink: 253



Are you finding that you just don't feel like yourself lately? Today I am talking with Dyna Vink all about navigating hormones especially during perimenopause which can start as early as late 30s. Dyna shares with us her journey of going through perimenopause and how she wished she had known more information back then. She tells us why eating certain foods can help with any physical challenges you might be experiencing with hormonal fluctuations. That quality of sleep plays a huge role in weight loss and why women start having a hard time staying asleep during perimenopause. We chat about why not all exercises are good for perimenopause. That high impact workouts can sometimes be too stressful on the body and this stress can create cortisol which makes it easier to gain weight. One topic that stood out to me is when she told me about sugar and how it can cause inflammation in the brain and how that impacts our memory.  Hear what she has to say about this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this epi