Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Does your heart feel heavy lately? Jenny Stemmerman: 255



Are you feeling like life is super heavy lately? Today I am talking with fellow podcaster and friend Jenny Stemmerman all about being a mom during this challenging time in our world.  If you are looking for a casual conversation about the struggle we have as moms right now then you are in the right place.  We chatted about the kids going back to school and the stress that it is bringing up for moms with all the ups and downs and unknowns for this school year. We talked about what we are doing to keep our sanity when it feels like the world is on our shoulders.  If you are feeling this too or just feel numb to it all and feel alone I hope you find some hope in this episode, if anything I hope you can find some humor and laugh.  Hear what we have  to say about this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this episode make sure to check out the episode I did about living a life too small for you, click Do you wan