Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Losing weight and keeping it off for good: Amber Sandberg: 256



Do you feel like you are in a rush to lose weight? Today I am talking about losing weight and keeping it off for good.  Sometimes what that entails is going slower then we would like. I realized that women can panic about getting the weight off and they want it off by a certain event, or vacation, etc. They get overwhelmed because they feel like they need to lose the weight fast.  Which then creates anxiousness and may cause you to make decisions you wouldn't pick for the long term.  What if you took your time to lose weight, would that make you feel more calm? How do you want to show up for this process, because how you show up to lose the weight is how you will keep it off.  How would you want to move your body, what kind of foods would you want to be eating, what kind of activities would you love to incorporate into your life these are the questions you want to be asking yourself.  Lastly, I talk about maintenance and how women get so terrified of gaining all the weight back because they didn't figure out