Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Stop feeling guilty for taking care of yourself: Alissa Harper: 258



Are you working on the life you will be proud of in twenty years? Today I have Alissa Harper on the show and we talk all about why it's so important to take care of yourself so you can be the best mom. Alissa has two daughters and she wanted to model something different and be more intentional with her life. She shared with us how its important to invest in yourself so you can show up better for the people in her life. Alissa talks about what made her take the leap to start coaching with me and the impact it has had on her life.  She describes to us how it helps to have someone on the outside to process things and the tools that I have provided her during our one on one coaching has really helped her in her everyday life. One topic that stood out to me is when she told us that she didn't think she needed coaching and now she can't imagine not investing in the time to be coached. Hear what she has to say about this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this episode make sure to check out the episode I