Pm Point Of View

Effective Communication from the 2021 UMD Symposium



Transformation Attenuation: The loss of signal that occurs as a message moves down the chain from the C suite. Illusion: The assumption that communication has taken place, when in fact it hasn't.  Here we explore these two phenomena in depth, and examine ways to avoid them, thereby increasing project & organizational effectiveness.  Check out more presentations from the UMD Symposium at Listen, learn, and get a free PDU! PDU Information Use the following information in PMI’s CCRS system to register the PDUs for this podcast: PDU Category: Online or Digital Media Provider Number: 4634 Talent Triangle: Leadership Activity Number: PMPOV0090 PDUs for this episode: 1 About the Speakers Glenn Anderson is the Performance Catalyst Speaker – the catalyst between missed goals and achieved goals. He combines decades of corporate experience with IBM with his passion for performing improvisational comedy to help you ensure your audience is energized and equipped to better commun