Service Academy Business Mastermind

#177: Launching Real Estate Accelerator 2.0 with Buddy Rushing, USNA ‘04



Click here to register for the Real Estate Investing Accelerator 2.0 Discovery Webinar on Saturday, September 18th! “People love the content, the fact that it’s military and action-based...I care about helping people get closer to their goal of financial freedom. That’s it. The results people have attained has skyrocketed because of how the course is structured. We all sharpen each other. The network grows more powerful with each course we complete. We’re about helping military veterans create financial freedom so they can unleash their talents on the world. We’re a coalition and a family.” -Buddy (Edward) Rushing (USNA ‘04) Nearly 200 people have graduated from the Real Estate Investing Accelerator led by Buddy Rushing (USNA ‘04) and his team at White Feather Investments. We’re excited to announce the launch of Real Estate Accelerator 2.0 in January 2022! A Discovery Webinar is scheduled for Saturday, September 18th and we’d love you to join the call if you want to learn more. Ten people are already signed u