Chasing Unicorns

Ep. 25: Keep Going



Today we’re talking about Keeping Going—the choice to press in and move towards your dreams and that whisper in your heart where your passions are calling. We’ll share some POWERFUL good news stories, explain why we have over 400 Christmas ornaments on our tree, give 4 movie reviews AND circle back around to hear about Morgan’s post-test Happiness scores. Oh and we’re gonna share some exciting news about an upcoming adventure that we’ve been invited into!LINKSA Still Small Voice and a Gunshot”: Major Brent Taylor Story: CONNECTEDEmail: chasingunicornspodcast@gmail.comOfficial Instagram: @HansowFamilyPersonal Instagram: @MorganHansow and @DaveHansowWebsite: www.ChasingUnicornsPodcast.Com