Shardcast: The Brandon Sanderson Podcast

The Splintercast Reads Bands of Mourning, Chapters 25-27



"I called it! I never call stuff like that. But I totally called it and I never call stuff like that! That’s kind of why it’s fun to record these, because the few times that I do get it right I’m like: “It’s on recording! I got proof! I’ve got an ‘I told you so!’”" First of all, I want to apologize for the brief hiatus we’ve had on Splintercast. It’s been a really hectic few weeks for me and I appreciate your patience. Free time has been in short supply for this Feather, especially the long swaths of time it takes to sit down and edit the audio for a whole episode. But we’re back now and we’re nearing the end. This time, a lot happens! Allegiances are revealed! Wax takes a tumble! Steris hardly gets any page-time but I talk about her anyway. And a cliffhanger of truly Branderson proportions rears its head at the end of 27. Past!Feather is wary, however. She expects shenanigans. I also mention a currently held theory of mine, that of Roshar’s Afterlife, so I’ll drop the link to that here. This reminds me th