Shardcast: The Brandon Sanderson Podcast

The Splintercast Reads Mistborn: Secret History Episode 4



"I’m pretty salty about that. However, I’ll try to keep most of my salt contained to like, that one event, and not let it completely overtake this episode. Like, I don’t want this to be a salt-fest." The end is upon us! Unfortunately, as I said last episode, this is not my original reaction file, because for reasons unknown, that recording up and disappeared on me. It has fled. So instead, you get backup Current!Feather’s reactions, but hey, we’re gonna have fun with it anyway. We hit the climax of Hero of Ages, see some old and new faces, and Kelsier continues his deity punching spree. Bless him. Except then unbless him because he immediately turns to Hemalurgy right after the main events are over. Kell, how could you? I’m so disappointed. Little bit of a wrap up for this book on the end of this one, but if you guys would like me to record a full, three-book reaction of SoS, BoM, and MSH thoughts, please let me know and I’ll do that! If you have questions for me about my reactions or anything that’s happe