Just 2 Pearls

Double The Love (feat. Pastors Andrew & Gabby Wilkes)



Hey there, Pearls! This Black History Month, the Pearls are celebrating Black Love with Pastors Andrew and Gabby Wilkes, the co-pastors of Brooklyn's Double Love Experience (@doubleloveexperience)! To kick off the episode, Jaimie shares a poem by Paul Lawrence Dunbar and Porsha shares about her incredible worship experience at the October 2018 preview service for Double Love. Then, Porsha and Jaimie get down to business talking to Pastors Gabby and Andrew about their love story and their ministry. Finally, Porsha and Jaimie decide that double the love should also mean double the petty. Stick around until the end of the episode to hear about what is and is not the work of the church. Pearls, we love y'all, seriously! Remember that you can find our show bi-weekly on Apple Podcasts, SoundCloud, and just2pearls.com. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @just2pearls. You can email us at adventures@just2pearls.com. Thank you for listening, and remember to cultivate the pearl within you.