Liberty Entrepreneurs

EP88: Drugs, Love and Anarchy w/ Sterlin Lujan



Show Notes: 0:00:00 Ashe Oro: You are listening to the Liberty Entrepreneurs podcast, episode 88, Drugs, Love and Anarchy. Let's go. 0:19:00 Ashe Oro: Hey, what's up and welcome back all my fellow liberty entrepreneurs around the world. I'm Ashe Oro and I'm here with one of the best people in the world, and I say that, he didn't pay me to say that, but this is one of my good friends, and someone that I respect so much, and it's such a pleasure to have him on the show. Sterlin Lujan. Hey, brother. 0:37:00 Sterlin Lujan: Hey, Ashe, thanks for having me, man, and the feeling's 100% mutual. 0:42:00 Ashe Oro: I appreciate that. 0:42:00 Sterlin Lujan: Lots of love. 0:44:00 Ashe Oro: Yeah, so Sterlin is currently the communications ambassador for, and many of you may know him as the psychologic anarchist, and we'll get into what that means soon. You can find him at So definitely go check him out. 1:04:00 Ashe Oro: Sterlin, if you don't mind, give us just a quick background of who