10x Advisor

S1 E2: The Derryn Shrosbree Episode



- Derryn talks about how his approach is different. Essentially he invests a third of a client's money in what he calls the sured assets, which is participating life insurance. Another third in managed assets, and the final third in real estate. - Derryn talks about how he and his team have invested in figuring out ways to get the real estate for people. They do it all in-house, including helping people buy condos for their kids that they rent out. Derryn and his team find the renters, they get people in these condos so that 20 something years later, when the client's kid is ready, he or she has a place to go. The point is, getting people an early start. That's the mindset and the philosophy. - Derryn shares his mindset, the kinds of clients that he's looking for, and how everything is based on a scorecard. - Derryn talks about some of his specific language around helping people see the value of permanent insurance and how it's different than what they thought in terms of how to use it, etc. Very inte