Good Times/bad Times

GTBT #73 - Tony Singer



Tony Singer joined me (in my favorite episode so far) to discuss his time in the Insight program, a so-called rehabilitation center that seems more like a for-profit cult. We start off by learning about Insight and how it operates under different names in different areas, then go into how he and his brother got involved in the program which deemed them "drug addicts" for smoking weed as teenagers. The rabbit hole gets deeper and darker from there, with Tony explaining their many brainwashing techniques and the ways they make patients dependent on "The Group", starting with excommunicating friends then eventually dropping out of school or being disowned by family. It was a long conversation with each revelation more shocking than the last, but after we covered the darkest subject matter we spent some time lightening the mood by getting to know each other and finding out about Tony's life since Insight, then learning how we can help him discredit them and keep addiction counseling in the hands of qualified pro