Magic And Hash

Magic And Hash - Ep. 16 - Guaranteed To Offend



Well.... guess I should my apologies. Nah! We cut deep with the Host of the second best podcast around Aethercast!!! We take the gloves off in this no holds barred slugfest of Good (The saints at Magic and Hash) versus Evil (The entire PC F#!@*% world). Enjoy!! Patreon support appreciated !! Tim: @magic_timmy on twitter – Tim Kempter on facebook – – mogis on MTGO Sid: @TheSIDmiester on twitter – sidmiester78 on MTGO – Sid Swami on facebook (cast from exile group) magicandhash on soundcloud Matt Hoover: Matt Hoover on Facebook - @oopsitrolled on twitter Closing Song: Pretty Lights - Finally Moving