Magic And Hash

Magic And Hash - Ep. 23 - New Look And Same Bold Flavor



**This podcast contains some 3D audio clips. Headphones are strongly suggested** We Dive deep into AlmondCat spoilers. The taste of entombed cats is not great. The guys discuss all the wacky Jazz you are into. why continue reading this just click play and experience it for yourself. If you wanted me to describe it to you then you are lame AF. Just saying. Enjoy! Patreon support appreciated !! Tim: @magic_timmy on twitter – Tim Kempter on facebook – – mogis on MTGO Sid: @TheSIDmiester on twitter – sidmiester78 on MTGO – Sid Swami on facebook (cast from exile group) magicandhash on soundcloud Jason Roskam: @Roskam76 on twitter - - project_vcr on instagram Closing song - DJ ASSASS1N - Frag Out Intro Song - GoRemy - Magic (MTG): The Rap