Buck Sexton

Trump's Cabinet and Media "Normalization" 11/18/16



On this episode of the Buck Sexton show: - Why the Trump transition is completely overhyped by the media and a look at Trump's cabinet. - Gun guru and bestselling author John Lott is on to talk police shooting and crime stats and if you're more likely to be targeted by white or black cops. - Former Lieutenant Governor Betsy McCaughey joins the program to discuss what to expect in Trump's first 100 days with a ringing endorsement for the President elect. - Do the police finally have a friend in the Oval Office? Don't miss Buck's conversation with Heather Mac Donald, Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute and author of the War on Cops. - Also Kaitlan Collins of the Daily Caller provides some updates from the entertainment world including Kanye West saying he would've voted for Trump, Sarah Silverman comparing Trump's victory to the Great Depression and Hillary's first public appearance after the election. - Plus Professor Richard Binzel calls in to talk about the discovery of a massive hidden undergound