Podcasting Step By Step

Time to Take Action on What You’ve Learned on This Podcast



If you’re like me, you love listening to podcasts and taking notes on all the great ideas you want to try, but many of us don’t make the time to take creative action on what we learn. We just keep consuming.    Well now, thanks to the COVID-19 coronavirus, we are on lock down and podcast consumption is down 20%. You might be listening to an hour or two less a day of podcasts. Use that time to do something that will benefit your show.   Ready to launch your podcast? Visit sarahmikutel.com/course to learn how to build your brand and business, connect to your community, and grow your influence through the magic of podcasting.  If you’re a podcaster, one of the most important things you need is a podcast media host.I use and recommend Buzzsprout. Excellent customer service and so easy to use.And, you can try them for free for 90 days. If you like them and sign up for a paid plan, you’ll get a $20 Amazon gift card if you join using my partner link sarahfmikutel.com/Buzzsprout Who doesn’t love a little reward? Enjo