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#5 - Does Stock Picking Work? Was My AAL Bullish Pick Genius?



Alright, I think this is going to be a really fun topic to talk about, but the question is really here for this show – Does stock picking work? Let me set the stage here and tell you a quick story of actually what just happened literally like today and why I think this is so important. We recently just sent out an alert to our members to buy or go long basically AAL stock which is American Airlines. We thought just looking at the charts and we got some technical signals that it was going to turn around, so we bought a call debit spread on AAL when the stock closed yesterday around $43. It closed just above $43 and change, we ended up buying the 42 calls, sold the 44 calls, so did this call debit spread right around where the stock was trading anticipating in the next 58 days because we did it out a couple of months that the stock would actually make a reversal or a turnaround or maybe stop declining and rally up. Well today, the stock is up 5.43%. I only say this to say that I’m totally stupid and there is no