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#10 - Why I Never Want To Be The The Best Options Trader



Hey everyone and welcome back. On today’s daily call, I want to talk about why I never want to be the best options trader. That might be kind of a weird topic or headline and maybe you’ve seen this and you clicked on it or you’re watching and subscribed on iTunes or Google Play or whatever, you thought to yourself like, “What in the world is Kirk going to talk about here?” But I think this concept is really important because what I often find is that people do want to be the best at what they do and no doubt, do I. I want to be very, very, very good at what I do and I want to be good at options trading, I want to be a great father, I want to be a great husband or I want to be the best at everything I do, but I never want to be number one. I’ll tell you this, for the only reason is that I actually strive to try to beat somebody else and it’s just my own thing. I don’t know if you have this or not. But if I feel like I’m number one in something, then I feel like I would quit and I would say that I’ve reached my