

Hey everyone, Kirk here again at Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about trading options near expiration. Now, I have to warn you, as I probably will in the future for a lot of these calls that my kids are sleeping right now, so this is done literally in the middle of the day and if you hear random screams or movements, that’s just her in the background waking up because she could wake up at anytime and it’s like a time bomb going off when they do. Those of you who are parents, you know that. Trading options near expiration, I think there’s a couple of things that we want to just touch on with trading options near expiration. One, we know that as we get closer to options expiration which is usually the third Friday in the month for monthly expirations, weekly expirations expire every week, that as you get closer to expiration, your risk of assignment especially if you’re in the money goes way up. Really, it’s that first couple of days. Actually, expiration week,