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#25 - Average Preparation Yields Less Than Average Results



Hey everyone, Kirk here again and welcome back to the daily call. Today’s call, we’re going to talk about average preparation yielding less than average results. I do have a bone to pick with some people who say average preparation yields average results. I may have even misspoke before when I said that, but I truly believe actually that when you do something average, it actually yields less than average results. I’ll tell you why I think this is so important because I think too many people… Myself, I’ve been caught up in this before and I try literally every single day. I read the same list of affirmations every day and thought processes in the morning before I do anything else. The reason I do this is because I want to elevate my state to a level or an understanding that I want to be more than just average. I want to be way more than average as far as a trader, as far as a business owner, a guy who runs a website education company, a dad, a father, etcetera. I want to be way more than average in all that. B