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#39 - Why Hope & Pray Is A Terrible Investment Strategy



Hey everyone, Kirk here again at Option Alpha. On today’s daily call, I want to talk about why hope and pray is a terrible investment strategy. Oh my God. I don’t even know where to begin with this, but I just realized that so many people have this hope and pray, cross your fingers behind your back investing strategy. I think what drives me crazy about this is that when things go bad, they blame everybody else. You know it. Deep down, you might be one of those people who believe in index investing or believe in just buy and hold strategy, but you know deep down inside that if things go really bad, you’re going to blame somebody else. It’s the banks, it’s the real estate, it’s this country or that country or what the North Koreans were doing or not. But ultimately, it’s your fault. That’s what I’ve realized a long time ago thankfully through a lot of good mentors and people who I’ve met and books that I’ve read and seminars that I went to and everything that I’ve learned, is that anything in life especially in