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#54 - Can I Trade Options In My IRA Or Retirement Account?



Hey guys. Welcome back. On today’s daily call, I want to answer the question – “Can I trade options in my IRA or a retirement account?” The simple answer to this question is – Yes, of course you can trade options in your retirement account or IRA, but only (this is the asterisk that you usually find at the bottom of a page and it’s like, “see defined print”) if your broker allows it. You will have to check and make sure that your broker or whoever you’re using for your IRA or a retirement account actually allows the ability to trade options. Now, there’s a lot of brokers out there. I just used the word “broker” but it’s really just an investment firm that don’t allow you to do it. They either place a restriction, they don’t have the capacity to trade them, so it’s just a function of having the technology available to actually trade options in that account. For example, like my wife’s 403B account that she has through a local provider because she’s a teacher, they just don’t even have the capacity to trade opt