

Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again at and welcome back to the daily call. On today’s call today, we are going to tackle the topic of trading options with technical analysis. Now, I wouldn’t say that this is by far, the most requested topic or a big topic that we get a lot of questions on, but it’s definitely up there. I think that people often find technical analysis first because they start their journey with stock trading, they learn a little bit about technicals, they think it’s a magic pill to solve all their issues with directional trading and then eventually, maybe they transition options trading and they think that the married combination of this is the holy grail basically and obviously, that’s not the case. We know that nothing is a surefire thing. It’s all high probability. It’s all based on math. But the way that I think about trading options with technicals – I think about technicals first as like… Well, I’ll talk about it first in this call because I think it’s important to cov