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#62 - How To Get Your Options Trading Questions Answered



Hey everyone, Kirk here again and welcome back to the daily call. On today's call, I want to briefly just let you guys know how you can get your options trading questions answered. People have questions all the time and I totally get it and I love that people have so many different questions that they ask. I literally get different emails every single day, hundreds of them, but I do get different emails. The thing that I want to let you guys’ know is I want to answer your questions. I want to answer them as best as I possibly can. There’s two ways that I suggest that you contact me if you want to get your questions answered or hear them here on the daily call podcast. The first way is you can just simply reach out to me on social media. That's through Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, whatever you want. We’re everywhere at Option Alpha. Just reach out to me. Leave me a comment, leave a question. We’ll try to make sure that we get it answered or at least, queued to get answered in one of the daily calls o