The "daily Call" From Option Alpha: Options Trading | Stock Options | Stock Trading | Trading Online

#63 - Should You Only Trade Highly Liquid Options?



Hey everyone, Kirk here again at Option Alpha and happy Thanksgiving. On today’s daily call, we’re going to be answering the question – “Should you only trade highly liquid options?” First before we begin, very happy Thanksgiving to you. If you’re listening to this on Thanksgiving, I appreciate the support on a holiday. That is by no means what I expected. But my goal and my promise to you guys has always been to get out a new show every day, so Thanksgiving is no exception. But I want to take one moment to say I do appreciate each and every one of you. This has been a long, long journey for me and something I plan on doing for a long time. I thoroughly enjoy being here. I love running Option Alpha. I love meeting the people and interacting with a lot of people online. It’s definitely a work of passion for me for sure and something that I don't necessarily consider to be work because I like doing this. I like talking about the markets and so hopefully, you enjoy everything that we do. Again, I just want to sa